Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A simple song....

Yesterday, I was stopped waiting for a Portland Max train at 5 o'clock on a rainy, cloudy day. As I waited, I couldn't help but smile and be moved. To the left of me stood a man playing the violin for penny change. I was floored by the amount of talent this man had and by the fact that no one was paying attention. I sat back and watched the crowd. Gradually an older woman turned to notice the man, a smile immediately grew upon her face as she realized the talent she was witnessing. Next the man next to me, no older than 25 sheepishly smiled as if he were embarrassed to be caught appreciating the music. Nearly 5 minutes went by as people gradually took notice until the train came by. I reluctantly got on the train and watched the violinist as he continued to play, unphased by the world around him. Even after the long, stressful, gloomy day, people were happy. I hope he realizes how many lives he brightens everyday....

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
-Berthold Auerbach

somewhere over the rainbow....

"Let no one who loves be unhappy.... even love unreturned has its rainbow ."
-James Matthew Barrie